Posts for Life Category

In recent years, Azerbaijan has also sought support from Western countries, such as the United States and Europe, to counterbalance potential threats from its neighbours.

On 21 April, 2023     By Tural Abdullayev

Bu borclar bir gün belimizi qıracaq.

On 16 April, 2023     By Tural Abdullayev

In a changing world, we are rapidly approaching an uncertain future, fueled by technological advancements that may become our competitors.

On 16 April, 2023     By Tural Abdullayev

İlk başlarda texnologiya , inkişaf, irəlləyiş deyib alqışlayırıq amma bunun irərləyən zamanlarda bizi necə məhf edəcəyini görmürük.

Ramadan is also a time for increased community involvement and social responsibility. Muslims are encouraged to reach out to their neighbours and those in need, to provide food and support for those who are fasting, and to engage in acts of charity and kindness. The act of giving is an essential aspect of Ramadan, as it helps to build a sense of community and promotes social harmony and cohesion.

On 18 March, 2023     By Tural Abdullayev

While everything in life is temporary, our values and our soul are permanent. It's crucial to protect these values and stay true to ourselves, no matter where life takes us.

On 28 February, 2023     By Tural Abdullayev

Let's honour the memory of those who lost their lives in the Turkey earthquake by taking meaningful steps and living our lives with purpose and compassion.

On 13 February, 2023     By Tural Abdullayev

We are schooled to never lie in life by our parents, teahcers... Living by our own lies and truth sometimes can be complicated. Generally, living philosophy of individuals differs from one another. The way you live, grow up, love..., (and the list goes on) is completely up to the place you were born and the environment you were fed by.